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(Ref. Lil' Sharon)

Owls & Quiet Heroes, September 2010  Blog by Jacqueline Lloyd

Some of the greatest teachers in my life have been animals.

While we were out of town, my BFF Sharon was checking on our ranch for me and found a baby barn owl huddled near our garage, a little white fuzz ball dying from starvation and dehydration.  She took the baby to Emergency Animal Rescue, a local non-profit all volunteer organization, hoping it wasn't too late.  Jan from EAR named the owlet "Lil Sharon". 



I got the email from BFF Sharon while I was in Germany, telling me about her  discovery.  She warned me that the owl might not make it, but Jan would do everything she could.  I had heard of Jan  and Doug of Emergency Animal Rescue:  Having been through two major brush fires that killed people and animals, I knew who we could count on when our world turned upside down, and who we couldn't.  During the fires, it was not the government, or FEMA, or the Red Cross that made a difference.  It was ordinary people and organizations like EAR that saved animals and peoples' homes without reward or recognition.  Lil Sharon was in good hands.

And sure enough, seven weeks later, Jan & Doug of Emergency Animal Rescue brought Lil Sharon back to our ranch ready to fly.  They graciously allowed me to release her - a profound experience I will never forget.  The video was taken  by Big Sharon, who volunteers for EAR and has trained to be a part of their animal rescue program.  After Jan handed me the owl, I held her by the feet as instructed, then had a moment of "what now?" because I wasn't sure exactly how one releases a bird of prey back into the wild!  In the video you can hear BFF Sharon saying quietly, "Open your hand" - and that was when the magic happened.  I opened my hand, and the owl chose to stay for a few moments before she took her very first flight.

Much has been said lately about restoring honor to America.  Maybe it hasn't really gone anywhere.  Maybe it's alive and well in many Americans, maybe it's just lacking in those who exploit peoples' fears and anger.  There are many quiet heros out there, doing what they can to make a difference without thinking of fame or payback, without ever knowing the true ramifications of the work they do and the light they hold ~ Thank You.  


--(Extensions of Remarks - July 28, 2009)





TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2009

  • Mr. Hunter, Madam Speaker, today I rise in recognition of Cheyenne Brugh of Ramona, California.  Cheyenne is a 13 year old young woman who has committed her time and energy to the Emergency Animal Rescue group.  This nonprofit organization located in my district is made up of volunteers, like Cheyenne, who are committed to rescuing and housing animalsfrom life threatening situations.  Today, I am honored to recognize this young lady for her outstanding achievements and superior quality of character.
  • Cheyenne is the youngest of four children and the daughter of a single, working mother.  She is involved with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America and works with her Big Sister at the Emergency Animal Rescue organization.  When Cheyenne is not helping rescued animals, she continues volunteering her time at promotional events to raise money for Emergency Animal Rescue.  In addition to her involvement with the rescue group, she is a hardworking and dedicated student, receiving excellent grades in school.  Her dedication to such a demanding organization while balancing schoolwork is truly remarkable.
  • Along with all of her achievements, Cheyenne took the Large Animal Rescue course in California to further expand her knowledge of animal rescue.  This rigorous 2-day training program teaches ways to extract animals from multiple dangerous and life threatening situations.  At 13 years old, she was awarded the certificate for Large Animal Rescue by the California State Fire Marshall, making her the youngest person to ever receive these qualifications.
  • Madam Speaker, this is an extrodinary young lady whose actions and accomplishments directly reflect the type of person she is and will be.  Individuals like Cheyenne, who volunteer their time, are at the heart of this great nation.  The next time there is a wildfire in Southern California, you can rest assured that Cheyenne will be there rescuing animals.  Her selfless dedication to saving animals' lives at such a young age is something we can all emulate Cheyenne, thank you for your incredible work;  you are an inspiration to us all.                             



"To each of you at EAR,  I know this does not begin to cover the sacrifice of your time and use of your resources,  but I hope you understand my sincere gratitude for the effort made on behalf of my dear friend Paycheck.   Leslie."